"Videoton TV Computer 64 was used in the 80's in Hungarian schools along with the Primo. It was very similar to the Enterprise 64 as it was a licensed product. There is even a built-in joystick on the right of the keyboard.
There are different models : 32 KB, 64 KB and 64 KB+. The 64 KB+ has more video RAM (64 KB instead of 16 KB) and different versions of ROM (2.1 - 2.2 & 2.4 instead of 1.1 -1.2 - 1.3 & 1.4).
The main physical difference of the TV-Computer is the four expansion slots that are placed at the top left side of the case, allowing easy upgrade of the system. On the left side, one can find two joystick connectors and a cartridge slot (16 KB max.) for games, applications and operating systems. TVC OS is built-in the system (along with Basic), but UPM (special version of CP/M for the TVC) or VT-DOS (DOS 3.10 compatible) could be implemented this way. VT-DOS could only read/write IBM PC disks, as it was not fully compatible with both the hardware and software." (www.old-computers.com)
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