Sunday, 30 November 2008

Tiger: No-Intro 20081125 Romset

The (pronounced in TV commercials as "game com", not "game dot com" and not capitalized in marketing material) was a handheld game console released by Tiger Electronics in September 1997. It featured many new ideas for handheld consoles and was aimed at an older target audience, sporting PDA-style features and functions such as a touch screen and stylus. However, Tiger hoped it would also challenge Nintendo's Game Boy and gain a following among younger gamers too. Unlike other handheld game consoles, the first consoles included two slots for game cartridges and could be connected to a 14.4 kbit/s modem. Later models reverted to a single cartridge slot.


  1. Batman & Robin (USA).zip
  2. Centipede (USA).zip
  3. Duke Nukem 3D (USA).zip
  4. Fighters MegaMix (1998) (71-739) [b1].zip
  5. Fighters Megamix (USA).zip
  6. Frogger (USA).zip
  7. External BIOS (1997) (71-516) [a1].zip
  8. Henry (USA).zip
  9. Indy 500 (USA).zip
  10. Internet (USA).zip
  11. Jeopardy! (USA).zip
  12. Jurassic Park - The Lost World (USA).zip
  13. Lights Out (USA).zip
  14. Monopoly (USA).zip
  15. Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1997) (71-711).zip
  16. Mortal Kombat Trilogy (USA).zip
  17. Quiz Wiz - Cyber Trivia (USA).zip
  18. Resident Evil 2 (1998) (71-745).zip
  19. Resident Evil 2 (USA).zip
  20. Scrabble (USA).zip
  21. Sonic Jam (1998) (71-734) [b1].zip
  22. Sonic Jam (USA).zip
  23. Tiger Casino (1998) (71-731).zip
  24. Tiger Casino (USA).zip
  25. Tiger Web Link (USA).zip
  26. Wheel of Fortune (USA).zip
  27. Wheel of Fortune 2 (USA).zip
  28. Williams Arcade Classics (USA).zip
  29. [BIOS] Tiger (USA) (External).zip
  30. [BIOS] Tiger (USA) (Internal).zip

Download Tiger: No-Intro 20081125 Romset:

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Retro Scan: "1942"

1942 (Front)

1942 (Back)

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Watara Supervision No-Intro 20081124

"The Watara Supervision is a monochrome handheld game console, originating from Taiwan, and introduced in 1992 as a cut-price competitor for Nintendo's Game Boy. It came packaged with a game called Crystball, which is similar to Breakout. One unique feature of the Supervision was that it could be linked up to a television via a link cable. Games played in this way would display in four colors, much like Nintendo's Super Game Boy add-on for the SNES. A full color TV link was also in the works, but it in light of the Supervision's failure to make a major impression among gamers it was cancelled, along with the games which were in development for it.

Though the machine garnered some attention at launch (mainly due to the low price point for the machine and its games, which many felt might enable it to make inroads into Nintendo's market share) it was ultimately unsuccessful in unseating the Game Boy from its position as the world's most popular handheld. Reasons commonly cited are the poor quality screen which was prone to blurring and made following the action difficult, a general lack of games and the simplistic nature of those that were released.

Yet another problem was that most if not all of the games that were available were developed in Taiwan, meaning that fans of big-name western and Japanese developers were underwhelmed by the apparent lack of support from these companies. Only a tiny handful of games were developed by third parties; those that were are generally reckoned to be superior to those developed in-house. One such third party title - Super Pang - is commonly held to be the best game released on the Supervision and a very good game in its own right. However, up against Nintendo's list of popular franchises (Zelda, Mario, Metroid) and those of its third parties (Castlevania, Mega Man) - all of which eventually surfaced on the Game Boy - the Supervision's games were of little interest to anyone outside Taiwan.

The Supervision was marketed by several different companies around the world and under several different names, including Quickshot (a UK joystick manufacturer), Travell Mate, Hartung SV-100, and Electrolab in Argentina, under two different models: the Supervision (in a form factor resembling Nintendo's Gameboy) and the Hipervision seen in the picture of this article.

In the early 1990s it was once offered as a final prize on the television game show Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was also offered as a prize on the premiere of the 1994 syndicated run of The New Price is Right." (Wikipedia)

List of games:

  1. 2 in 1 - Block Buster + Cross High (USA, Europe).zip
  2. 2 in 1 - Hash Blocks + Eagle Plan (USA, Europe).zip
  3. Alien (USA, Europe).zip
  4. Balloon Fight (USA, Europe).zip
  5. Block Buster (USA, Europe).zip
  6. Brain Power (USA, Europe).zip
  7. Carrier (199x) (Travellmate) [o1].zip
  8. Carrier (USA, Europe).zip
  9. Cave Wonders (USA, Europe).zip
  10. Challenger Tank (USA, Europe).zip
  11. Chimera (USA, Europe).zip
  12. Crystball (USA, Europe).zip
  13. Delta Hero (USA, Europe).zip
  14. Eagle Plan (USA, Europe).zip
  15. Earth Defender (USA, Europe).zip
  16. Fatal Craft (USA, Europe).zip
  17. Final Combat (USA, Europe).zip
  18. Galactic Crusader (USA, Europe).zip
  19. Galaxy Fighter (USA, Europe).zip
  20. Grand Prix (USA, Europe).zip
  21. Happy Pairs (USA, Europe).zip
  22. Hash Blocks (USA, Europe).zip
  23. Hero Kid (USA, Europe).zip
  24. Honey Bee (USA, Europe).zip
  25. Jacky Lucky (USA, Europe).zip
  26. Jaguar Bomber (USA, Europe).zip
  27. John Adventure (USA, Europe).zip
  28. Juggler (USA, Europe).zip
  29. Kabi Island - Gold in Island (USA, Europe).zip
  30. Linear Racing (USA, Europe).zip
  31. Magincross (USA, Europe).zip
  32. Matta Blatta (USA, Europe).zip
  33. Olympic Trials (USA, Europe).zip
  34. P-52 Sea Battle (USA, Europe).zip
  35. PacBoy & Mouse (USA, Europe).zip
  36. Penguin Hideout (1992) (Thin Chen Enterprise) [o1].zip
  37. Penguin Hideout (USA, Europe).zip
  38. Police Bust (USA, Europe).zip
  39. Pyramid (USA, Europe).zip
  40. SSSnake (USA, Europe).zip
  41. SV 2.01 Files.log
  42. SV 2.01 Merge.log
  43. Soccer Champion (USA, Europe).zip
  44. Super Block (1992) (Bon Treasure) [o1].zip
  45. Super Block (USA, Europe).zip
  46. Super Kong (USA, Europe).zip
  47. Tasac 2010 (USA, Europe).zip
  48. Tennis Pro '92 (USA, Europe).zip
  49. Treasure Hunter (USA, Europe).zip
Download Watara Supervision No-Intro 20081124:

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Atari Jaguar No-Intro 20090921 Set

Atari Jaguar Console
"The Atari Jaguar is a video game console, released by Atari Corporation in 1993. It was designed to surpass the Mega Drive/Genesis and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in processing power. It was in competition with 3DO and later consoles that made up the Fifth generation of video game consoles. The console was first released in selected U.S. cities in November 1993, and the rest of the country in early 1994. Although it was promoted as the first 64-bit gaming system, the Jaguar proved to be a commercial failure and prompted Atari to leave the home video game console market. Despite its commercial failure, the Jaguar has a large fan base that produces homebrew games, making the console a cult classic.

The Jaguar was the last game system to be marketed by Atari Corp. Flare Technology, a company formed by Martin Brennan and John Mathieson, said that they could not only make a console superior to the Sega Mega Drive or the SNES, but they could also be cost-effective. Impressed by their work on the Konix Multisystem, Atari persuaded them to close Flare and, with Atari Corp. providing the funding, to form a new company called Flare II.

Evolution - Dino Dudes Screenshot
Evolution - Dino Dudes (Atari Jaguar)

Flare II initially set to work designing two consoles for Atari Corp. One was a 32-bit architecture (codenamed "Panther"), and the other was a 64-bit system (codenamed "Jaguar"); however, work on the Jaguar design progressed faster than expected, and Atari Corp. cancelled the Panther project to focus on the more promising 64-bit technology.

Rayman Screenshot
Rayman (Atari Jaguar)

The Jaguar was released in November 1993 for a sale price of $250, under a $500 million manufacturing deal with IBM. The system was initially marketed only in the New York City and the San Francisco Bay areas. A nationwide release followed in early 1994.

Kasumi Ninja Screenshot
Kasumi Ninja (Atari Jaguar)

The system was marketed under the slogan "Do the Math", claiming superiority over competing 16-bit systems. Initially, the system sold well, substantially outselling the highly hyped and publicized 3DO, which was also released during the holiday season of 1993; however, the Jaguar could not shake the perception of having poor games after several dismal launch titles. It finally had its first hit game with Tempest 2000, and other successful games like Doom and Wolfenstein 3D followed. The most successful title was Alien vs. Predator which, along with Tempest 2000, is often considered one of the system's defining titles." (Wikipedia)

Download Atari Jaguar No-Intro 20090921 Set:

Due to broken link the original upload has been replaced with the latest set.

Atari 5200 No-Intro 20081107 Set

"The Atari 5200 SuperSystem, or simply the Atari 5200, is a video game console that was introduced in 1982 by Atari Inc. as a replacement for the famous Atari 2600. The 5200 was created to compete with the Intellivision, but wound up more directly competing with the ColecoVision shortly after its release. A number of design flaws had a serious impact on usability, and the system is generally considered to have performed poorly on the market.

The 5200 was heavily based on Atari Inc.'s existing 400/800 computers and the internal hardware was almost identical. However, a number of issues (aside from the lack of a keyboard) meant that software was not directly compatible between the two systems.

Jungle Hunt Screenshoot
Jungle Hunt (Atari 5200)

The Atari 5200 suffered from its software incompatibility with the Atari 2600, though an adapter was later released in 1983 allowing it to play all Atari 2600 games, using the more reliable controllers native to that system.

Another problem was the lack of attention that Atari Inc. gave to the console; most of its resources went to the already over saturated Atari 2600. It faced an uphill battle competing with the ColecoVision's head start and a faltering economy and video game market.

Pitfall Screenshoot
Pitfall (Atari 5200)

At one point during the 5200's lifespan, Atari Inc. planned on developing a smaller cost-reduced version of the Atari 5200, which would have gotten rid of the controller storage bin. Code-named the "Atari 5100" (a.k.a. "Atari 5200 Jr."), only a few fully-working prototype Atari 5100s were made before the project was cancelled." (Wikipedia)

Download Atari 5200 No-Intro 20081107 Set:

Monday, 24 November 2008

NEC - SuperGrafx Full No-Intro 20081108 Romset

"The SuperGrafx video game console is an upgraded version of NEC's popular PC Engine (North America: TurboGrafx-16) system. At first it was known as the PC-Engine 2 — which was purported to be a true 16-Bit system with improved graphics and audio capabilities, not expected to see release until 1990. However the final machine was named SuperGrafx, was released earlier than expected, in late 1989, only provided modestly enhanced graphics over the original PC-Engine, had audio that was the same as the PC-Engine and no 16-bit CPU, just the same one as the PC-Engine.

The enhancements SuperGrafx did have: compared to the PC-Engine, SuperGrafx has four times the amount of work RAM for the main CPU, a second video chip with its own video RAM, and a priority controller chip that allowed the output of both video chips to be combined in various ways. SuperGrafx had support for two independently scrolling background layers, like the Sega Megadrive/Genesis, instead of the PC-Engine's single layer.

The SuperGrafx was not well received, due to a lack of software written to support its enhanced abilities; only 7 titles were ever released. There were no CD, SCD, or ACD games written that took advantage of the SuperGrafx platform. Game software was also very expensive, with games approaching 110 (USD). However, the SuperGrafx can play PCE HuCards, PCE CDs, PCE Super CDs, PCE Arcade CDs, and the native SuperGrafx HuCards. These titles combined totals to a very respectable library of near 700 titles.

In addition, its single 8-bit CPU had a heavy workload managing the extra video hardware.

One accessory of note was the Power Console, designed to add a full flight yoke, throttle and keypad to the SuperGrafx, sliding over the entire console. Besides a prototype, no Power Consoles were ever produced." (Wikipedia)


  1. 1941 - Counter Attack (Japan) (Alt)
  2. 1941 - Counter Attack (Japan)
  3. Aldynes (Japan).zip
  4. Battle Ace (Japan).zip
  5. Dai Makaimura (Japan).zip
  6. Madou Ou Granzort (Japan).zip
Download NEC - SuperGrafx No-Intro 20081108 Romset:

Fairchild Channel F Full No-Intro 20081107 Romset

"The Fairchild Channel F is a game console released by Fairchild Semiconductor in August 1976 at the retail price of $169.95. It has the distinction being the first programmable ROM cartridge-based video game consoles. Initially titled Video Entertainment System, or VES, when Atari released their VCS the next year, Fairchild renamed it." (Wikipedia)

Download Fairchild Channel F No-Intro 20081125 Romset:

Due to broken link the upload has been replaced with the latest set.

Magnavox Odyssey² Full No-Intro 20081109 Romset

"The Magnavox Odyssey², known in Europe as the Philips Videopac G7000, in Brazil as the Philips Odyssey, in the United States as the Magnavox Odyssey² and the Philips Odyssey², and also by many other names, is a video game console released in 1978.

In the early 1970s, Magnavox was an innovator in the home video game industry. They succeeded in bringing the first home video game system to market, the Odyssey, which was quickly followed by a number of later models, each with a few technological improvements. In 1978, Magnavox, now a subsidiary of North American Philips, released the Odyssey², their new second-generation video game console." (Wikipedia)

Download Magnavox Odyssey² No-Intro 20081127 Romset:

Due to broken link the upload has been replaced with the latest set.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Retro Scan: "Atari Football"

Atari: "Atari Football"

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Retro Scan: "Rambo 3"

Rambo 3

ColecoVision No-Intro 20081124 romset.

"The ColecoVision is Coleco Industries' second generation home video game console and was released August 1982. The ColecoVision offered arcade-quality graphics and gaming style, the ability to play Atari 2600 video games, and the means to expand the system's basic hardware. Released with a catalog of twelve launch titles, with an additional ten games announced for 1982, approximately 125 titles in total were published as ROM cartridges for the system between 1982 and 1984." (Wikipedia)

Download ColecoVision No-Intro 20081124 romset from Megaupload:

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Mattel Intellivision - Various (TOSEC-v2006-03-18)

"The Intellivision is a video game console released by Mattel in 1979. Development of the console began in 1978, less than a year after the introduction of its main competitor, the Atari 2600. The word intellivision is a portmanteau of "intelligent television". Over 3 million Intellivision units were sold and a total of 125 games were released for the console." (Wikipedia)

Download Mattel Intellivision - Various (TOSEC-v2006-03-18):

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Nintendo Game Boy Color No-Intro 20080711

"First released in Japan on October 21 1998, the Game Boy Color (abbreviated as GBC) added a color screen to a form factor slightly larger than the Game Boy Pocket. It also has double the processor speed, three times as much memory, and an infra-red communications port. Technologically, it was likened to the 8-bit NES video game console from the 1980s.

A major component of the Game Boy Color is its near-universal backward compatibility (that is, a Game Boy Color is able to read older Game Boy cartridges and even play them in a selectable color palette). This backwards compatibility became a major feature of the Game Boy line, since it allowed each new launch to begin with a significantly larger library than any of its competitors." (Wikipedia)

Nintendo Game Boy Color No-Intro 20090908:

Due to broken link the upload has been replaced with the latest set.

Nintendo Game Boy No-Intro 20081015 Set

Nintendo Game Boy"The original Game Boy was first released in Japan on April 21 1989. Based around a Z80 processor, it has a black and green reflective LCD screen, an eight-way directional pad, two action buttons (A and B), and Start and Select buttons. It plays games from ROM-based media contained in small plastic detachable units called cartridges (sometimes called carts or GamePaks).

The killer game that pushed the Game Boy into the upper reaches of success was Tetris. Tetris was widely popular, and on the handheld format could be played anywhere. It came packaged with the Game Boy, and broadened its reach; adults and kids alike were buying Game Boys in order to play Tetris. Releasing Tetris on the Game Boy was selected as #4 on GameSpy's "25 Smartest Moments in Gaming".

The original Game Boy was the first cartridge-based system that supported more than four players at one time (via the link port). In fact, it has been shown that the system could support 16 simultaneous players at once. However, this feature was only supported in Faceball 2000." (Wikipedia)

Download Nintendo Game Boy No-Intro 20090924 Set:

Due to broken link the upload has been replaced with the latest set.

Turbografx-16 Full Romset (No-Intro 20081109)

"The PC Engine was a collaborative effort between Japanese software maker Hudson Soft (which maintains a chip-making division) and NEC. Hudson was looking for financial backing for a game console they had designed, and NEC was interested in entering the lucrative game market. The PC Engine was and is a very small video game console, due primarily to a very efficient three-chip architecture and its use of HuCards; credit-card sized data cartridges. "HuCard" (Hudson Card; also referred to as "TurboChip" in North America) was derived from Hudson Soft. The cards were the size of a credit card (but slightly thicker) and thus were somewhat similar to the card format used by the Sega Master System for budget games. However, unlike the Sega Master System (which also supported cartridges), the TurboGrafx-16 used HuCards exclusively. TG-16 featured an enhanced MOS Technology 65C02 processor and a custom 16-bit graphics processor, as well as a custom video encoder chip, all designed by Hudson. The HES logo found on the manual of every Japanese game stood for "Hudson Entertainment System".

The TurboGrafx-16 was the first console to have an optional CD module, allowing the standard benefits of the CD medium such as more storage, cheaper media costs, and redbook audio. The efficient design, backing of many of Japan's major software producers, and the additional CD ROM capabilities gave the PC Engine a very wide variety of software, with several hundred games for both the HuCard and CD formats.

The PC Engine was extremely popular in Japan, beating Nintendo's Famicom in sales soon after its release, with no fewer than twelve console models released from 1987 to 1993. It was capable of up to 482 colors at once in several resolutions, and featured very robust sprite handling abilities. The Hudson-designed chroma encoder delivered a video signal more vibrant and colorful than both the Famicom and the Sega Mega Drive and is largely regarded as the equal to Nintendo's Super Famicom, although that system was not released in Japan until 1990.

As graphics technology improved, gamers continued to stick to the PC Engine despite its shortcomings. Erotic games were a key factor in making the PC Engine popular, and this popularity was maintained far beyond the lifespan of a regular video game console. New games were released for the PC-Engine up until 1999.

Despite the system's success, it started to lose ground to the Super Famicom. NEC made one final effort to resuscitate the system with the release of the Arcade Card expansion, bringing the total amount of RAM up to a then-massive 2048K; a few Arcade Card games were conversions of popular Neo Geo titles. The additional memory even allowed the system to display rendered graphics like those used in the Donkey Kong Country series. The expansion was never released in North America." (Wikipedia)

NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16 No-Intro 20090529:

Due to broken link the upload has been replaced with the latest set.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Retro Scan: "St. Louis"

Pinball St. Louis from 1949

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Virtual Apple ][

When I was looking for some Apple II roms last week I have found this amazing website. It's called Virtual Apple ][. It's kind of an on-line disks archive but not only. Actually you can not download any games from there. Instead of downloading roms and setting up an Apple emulator you can play all the available games (1250) on the website! All you need to do is installing an ActiveX plug-in (IE, Firefox). It works pretty well so just check it out!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Retro Scan: "Asteroids"

Asteroids (Front)

Asteroids (Back)

Apple II - Games (TOSEC-v2006-02-20)

Download Apple II - Games (TOSEC-v2006-02-20) from Megaupload:

Monday, 10 November 2008

Retro Scan: "Dig Dug"

Dig Dug (Atari, Inc.)

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Friday, 7 November 2008

Atari ST: 2 x TOSEC

Atari ST Computer

"The Atari ST was part of the 16/32 bit generation of home computers, based on the Motorola 68000 CPU, with 512 KB of RAM or more, and 3½" floppy disks as storage. It was similar to other contemporary machines which used the Motorola 68000, the Apple Macintosh and the Commodore Amiga. Although the Macintosh was the first widely available computer with a graphical user interface (GUI), it was limited to a monochromatic display on a smaller built-in monitor. Preceding the Amiga's commercial release by almost two months, the Atari ST was the first computer to come with a fully bit-mapped color GUI, using a version of Digital Research's GEM released that February . It was also the first home computer with integrated MIDI support.

Lethal Xcess (Atari ST)
Lethal Xcess (Atari ST)

The ST was primarily a competitor to the Apple Macintosh and the Commodore Amiga systems. This platform rivalry was often reflected by the owners and was most prominent in the Demo Scene. Where the Amiga had custom processors which gave it the edge in the games and video market, the ST was generally cheaper, had a slightly faster CPU, and had a high-resolution monochrome display, ideal for business and CAD.

Thanks to its built-in MIDI ports it enjoyed success as a music sequencer and controller of musical instruments among amateurs and professionals alike, being used in concert by bands such as Tangerine Dream, Fatboy Slim and 90s UK dance act 808 State.

Magic Pockets (Atari ST)
Magic Pockets (Atari ST)

In some markets, particularly Germany, the machine gained a strong foothold as a small business machine for CAD and Desktop publishing work.

The ST was later superseded by the Atari TT and Falcon computers.

Since Atari pulled out of the computer market there has been a market for powerful TOS-based machines (clones). Like most "retro" computers the Atari enjoys support in the emulator scene."

Out Run (Atari ST)
Out Run (Atari ST)

Download Atari ST - Games - [ST] (TOSEC-v2006-10-27):

Download Atari ST - TOS - [IMG] (TOSEC-v2006-10-22):

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Retro Scan: "Samurai Spirits Sen"

Samurai Spirits Sen (front)

Samurai Spirits Sen (back)

Monday, 3 November 2008

Retro Scan: "Mortal Kombat"

Mortal Kombat (front)

Mortal Kombat (back)